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Sara Kemp

December Journal – Year Review

Each month in our new moon workshops we use 2 or 3 journaling prompts to bring ourselves in tune with the current energy and spend time reflecting before setting our intentions. It’s a wonderful way to not only connect with the lunar cycle and natural highs and lows of the seasons, but also connect more deeply with ourselves.

Throughout 2019 I’ll share our journaling prompts each month with you, along with a little info on the lunar astrology and also our equinox and solstice rituals; but for December, a ‘year review’ is a great place to start.

2018 has been filled with many planetary retrogrades. When a planet goes retrograde it appears to us from Earth as if it is travelling backwards. Retrogrades are times for all of the ‘re’ words. Rewind, revise, revisit, review… In other words, they can dredge up a lot of old patterns, hurts, behaviours, situations ( and possibly even exes!) to the surface. The point of these transits is of course to help us heal, learn, grow and change – but coupled with planet of luck Jupiter’s transit through the depths of Scorpio and Venus retrograding there – we’ve dealt with some heavy energy. Thankfully, once tricky Mercury goes direct, we have a lovely December ahead, and no more retrograde until March.

At the close of an emotional year where we’ve possibly learned a lot about ourselves and confronted old pain, looking back at the themes which presented themselves and also the highlights can be hugely helpful in focusing our energy for the new year.

Start with a blank journal page (or even with your 2018 intentions if you set them) and look back at your diary, or your social media posts and pick one wonderful thing from each month. Write it down, and remember how it felt.

Next, go back and look for the challenges. Note how you felt, what happened and maybe even something you might have done differently.

Your journal prompts:

What themes were presenting themselves to me this year?

Where do I still need to heal?

Are there behaviours or patterns I can identify?

What do I wish to leave behind as I move into a new year?

What brought me joy this year?

My energy for 2019 will be….

You can do this anytime in December, and use it to begin your 2019 intentions if you set them.

Happy Journaling!

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